Feature Requests

PHP Tools [?] extends Visual Studio with set of advanced features to work more efficiently with PHP code.

Feature Requests

Postby Nitecon » January 24th, 2013, 6:20 am

I've used visual studio since version 6 and love it for my c/c++ and now .net work, however as for php myself and all my developer friends and coworkers have the same workflow which none of the VS extensions have ever been able to satisfy, and unfortunately we're stuck on netbeans until that changes.

The core request would be for FTP / SCP. Netbeans / PHPEd does this very well as you can set your project configuration to be based on a specific server + document root. If you save a file in either of the IDE's it automatically copies it over (scp in our case) to the server, where you can view the changes if required. You can always download files in the same manner too by clicking a file in the tree and selecting download from the context menu. Alternative modes include manual uploading of files with a hotkey / context menu per directory or file itself. And the final mode is build mode which in our case would run unit tests / as well as kick off functional tests and then send all changed files as a *deployment* once builds pass to a specific server... although this is more or less a nice to have it's definitely something myself and friends / coworkers could live without as most of us also have CI servers to perform the same task and it may just end up being a huge amount of dev overhead.

Creating a remote project would also be a viable option and cache files locally (PHPEd) way although I have not paid for the license of PHPEd in quite some time as netbeans have fulfilled the void of scp + additional features (SCM eg: git / svn) All of us are well versed in command line so a git extension for instance may also be a nice to have as we could commit changed files by using command line (my case) or tortoise flavors in a similar manner.

Once the scp features are available and implemented in a similar way to netbeans, and perhaps any of the nice to have's then I would definitely pay for the pro license and could most like get quite a number of others to join in too.

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Joined: January 24th, 2013, 6:07 am

Re: Feature Requests

Postby Miloslav Beno » January 24th, 2013, 7:50 pm


Thank you for great feature request. I really enjoyed reading this as it's basicaly the same as what we are developing right now for 1.6 release.

It will be available in private beta really soon with FTP, SFTP (SCP) publishing capability. For now it's just going to be one way from local system to remote with possibility to deploy before run and manually. We'll eventualy also add After Save possibility. So debugging and runing on the remote system should be very easy.

Miloslav Beno │ DEVSENSE s.r.o. │ @miloslavbenomiloslav@devsense.com
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Re: Feature Requests

Postby CFI » January 28th, 2013, 11:41 am

An extension for GIT is already available at http://gitscc.codeplex.com/ - it integrates nicely in VS and with TortoiseGIT and/or Git Extensions.
Also for SVN I can recommend VisualSVN, but the VS integration is not for free.
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Re: Feature Requests

Postby fantasticjamieburns » January 30th, 2013, 7:57 pm

Just for anybody reading...

Microsoft has just announced/released support Git in Visual Studio 2012.

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bharry/archive/ ... it-vs.aspx

I added my local repository directory and it has picked up all of the git information with full branches/history etc.

It is based on libgit2 and so supports any git provider (like Github etc.)
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