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Too interesting project to die

PostPosted: January 1st, 2007, 10:59 pm
by juzna@codeplex
Hi developers of phalanger,

is this project still alive? I'm afraid of seeing it's dying. Nobody answers questing on Forum, nobody writes tutorials or help how to use phalanger.

I like this project and if it's possible, I'd like to help U with anything.

Plz reply! Thx

RE: Too interesting project to die

PostPosted: January 7th, 2007, 4:39 pm
by tomasp
sorry I didn't reply earlier. We are working on the project, but because two of the original developers left (were hired by Microsoft) we are working a bit slower, but I'm sure the project will not die!

We're currently working on the new web page ( which should be launched in a few days and also finishing some Phalanger features.

If you want to help you can wait for the new web page which will contain user wiki, so you can help us with writing tutorials. If you want to help as a project developer, you can contact me directly (at
