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Getting PHP framework to work [IMPORTANT]

PostPosted: October 9th, 2007, 4:05 am
by speedmax@codeplex
We are experimenting getting cakephp to run on Phalanger and making really good progress so far.

There are two major issues that is stopping a large number of PHP framework to work

* Compiled assembly doesn't invalidate when source code is changed, currently a iis restart is required. I have observed this behaviour when there are large number of deep includes, work for some file. may be there is a quick fix exists in "web.config"

* Since most of PHP framework are fairly complex and heavily OO driven. I have observed a pretty nasty bug in phalanger, "calluserfunc_array" misbehaving if there is reference involved, I don't know which part of following code is causing the problem

$output = calluserfunc_array(array(&$controller, $action, $params ));

is it array element has problem carrying a reference or calluserfunc_array is broken in general.

I made a quick fix to use php's evil eval function,

$output = eval("\$controller->$action($paramstring)

I see there are number of people trying to get PHP framework / CMS working, we should have a common effort into this area.