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Unable to find the wrapper 'https'

PostPosted: February 25th, 2015, 1:44 pm
by thorbj
Hi, I'm getting
Code: Select all
file_get_contents(): Unable to find the wrapper 'https'
when I'm trying to view a php page on an IIS/ASP.NET server after installing Phalanger.

In the web.config file of my AppPool in IIS I have added
Code: Select all
<add assembly="php_openssl.mng, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4ef6ed87c53048a3" section="openssl" />
Code: Select all
<set name="AllowUrlFopen" value="true" phpName="allow_url_fopen"/>

I've used the web.config example from HERE (under ASP.NET local app.config/web.config) as reference.

I've installed a self-signed SSL certificate on the server, and allowed for SSL client certificates on the web-site.

I'm not familiar with ASP, IIS and Phalanger, and I've barely started to glance into it.

What have I missed, and how can I fix this?


Re: Unable to find the wrapper 'https'

PostPosted: February 26th, 2015, 1:18 pm
by Jakub Misek

The issue might be, php_openssl.mng is actually from PHP4 ... I'm not sure whether there is something like https and whether it is supported.

Phalanger 3.0 is slightly deprecated; I would migrate to Phalanger 4.0 (https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.micros ... cf66037797) which is in active development, and so reported issues might be fixed.
