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Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 16th, 2012, 10:42 am
by sprinter
I've successfully installed, activated and set up PHP Tools in VS 2012 Ultimate (EN). Now when I hit F5 it tells me, that I need to run VS under an Admin-Account. Is there a way to get around this?

Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 16th, 2012, 5:36 pm
by Miloslav Beno

In current release it's necesary to run VS as Admin to be able to debug PHP. It's necesary to be able to monitor processes that were started by system. Please note that ASP.NET debugging also requires Admin permissions.

However there are ways around it and we'll target this in one of the future updates.

Is it problem to run vs as Administrator in your setup?

Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 10:53 am
by sprinter
The problem is, that I'm running all this stuff inside a domain. Now my people need local administrative rights which is something I don't want because then they are able to change other stuff on the system too.

In VS 2012 you don't need administrative rights to debug ASP.NET because you can use IIS Express and Page Inspector. What about using page inspector as a start-option in PHP Tools too?

Thanks in advance, Alex

Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 18th, 2012, 11:17 am
by Miloslav Beno
Hi Alex,

You're right when debugging IIS Express you don't need administrative rights. It's needed just for system services.

What we can do is to easily allow non-administrative debugging for IISExpress and PHP 5.4 builtin server. That would be sufficient solution for you at this point? It could be included in the upcomming update.

About Page inspector... We'd love to include this for PHP, but it will take more time.

Thank you

Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 19th, 2012, 5:42 pm
by sprinter

the builtin-method would be great. I never configured the IIS Express but I think, it should do the job. Thanks!


Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 20th, 2012, 3:58 pm
by Miloslav Beno
Hi Alex,

PHP Tools have ability to configure PHP on IISExpress automaticaly, so you shouldn't have a problem when using it.

So we'll include non-administrative debugging for IISExpress and PHP 5.4 builtin server in the upcoming update.

Thank you

Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 29th, 2012, 4:00 pm
by sprinter
Hey, thanks a lot for the quick update. It just worsk. Now I can hit F5 and my page inspector opens up. I don't have to be admin!!! Yeah!!!! :- )


Re: Debugging PHP-Project

PostPosted: November 29th, 2012, 5:21 pm
by Miloslav Beno
Hi Alex,

great!:-) I'm glad it works for you.
