Remote Projects (Secure)

PHP Tools [?] extends Visual Studio with set of advanced features to work more efficiently with PHP code.

Remote Projects (Secure)

Postby metal450 » March 17th, 2018, 7:29 pm

This is an issue I've been discussing with Devsense via e-mail, but I thought I'd post it here as it seems the forum is a better way to report & follow issues.

The one major feature that's preventing me from moving my web development to PHP Tools (& leaving Eclipse) is the lack of ability to work with purely remote projects over a secure connection (i.e. without needing to recursively download the full codebase to the local machine). While Visual Studio does have a built-in "Open Website," it only supports insecure, unencrypted FTP - which is obviously not a possibility for real-world development, especially when working away from home/office.

What I mean is, consider there’s a site on a remote SFTP or FTPS server where you need to make just a few edits. In i.e. Eclipse, you can just add the connection, browse the remote files from right within the IDE as if they were local, open the files you need to edit, perform your edits, & when you save, they’re saved directly back onto the server. No need to download the full project just to make a quick edit or two.

The functionality is available in VS.php, but I otherwise prefer PHP Tools, so after first reporting this mid-2016 I've have been following up every 6 months or so since.

Again, just moving the thread here as I was told that the forum is a quicker/more reliable way to get replies.
Posts: 23
Joined: July 9th, 2016, 5:53 am

Re: Remote Projects (Secure)

Postby metal450 » June 26th, 2018, 12:53 am

...I guess I was misinformed.

Devsense explicitly said via e-mail that they're usually better about replying to posts on the forums...but 3 full months reply :P
Posts: 23
Joined: July 9th, 2016, 5:53 am

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