Common external libaries

PHP Tools [?] extends Visual Studio with set of advanced features to work more efficiently with PHP code.

Common external libaries

Postby alanlaithwaite » March 25th, 2017, 10:10 am

Hi, I am still trying to resolve this, I can see VS2017 allows external libraries, it says for editor only, but using this path does not allow intellisense for PHP, we have a number of applications which all use the same set of library files, so updating then all is a pain, most other IDE allow you to use common external files, but so far I have been unable to do this, any suggestions please.
Many thanks

We have just renewed our license for another year, back when we first purchased the application we asked about including external files, we have a library of common classes and functions which is stored in the root of the server.

The question is can these be included without having to import all these libaray files into each project as that causes an increase in application size, and we have to update all the libraries instead of just the central common files when update are available.

Many thank, for a great product, and just asking if this was ever added.
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