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Phalanger/VS2012 compiler integration?

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2013, 4:50 pm
by G40
Superb project, thanks. I am using Phalanger for code analysis/optimisation on the Owncloud project.

Although I've been able to import the existing web project into VS I don't see any obvious way to set the project up to use phpc and to compile to a .NET dll?

Is there a simple walk-through/example project that does this?
Or do I need to create a new Phalanger project and import all files?
If the latter I assume this would be a new Phalanger class library project?



Re: Phalanger/VS2012 compiler integration?

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2013, 5:56 pm
by Jakub Misek

when you're not using Phalanger Project, you can only setup post-build action, and call smthing like
Code: Select all
phpc.exe /target:web /root:. /recurse:.

With Phalanger ClassLibrary Project, change following in project properties:
- Compilation Mode: Standard


Re: Phalanger/VS2012 compiler integration?

PostPosted: June 27th, 2013, 9:52 am
by siamon
I'm a developer who pretty much only develops on Mac and Linux. I got Phalanger to compile on Mac and Linux. I'm just wondering if MonoDevelop might get the same great tools as Phalanger Tools for Visual Studio. Phalanger is a great project/product. I'm looking into it to see if I can get the projects at work that are PHP and .Net/Mono to run in the same runtime and communicate with one other.

Re: Phalanger/VS2012 compiler integration?

PostPosted: June 27th, 2013, 3:16 pm
by Jakub Misek
Currently there is not much users requesting MonoDevelop support; Phalanger is mainly targeted for Windows platform.

MonoDevelop would be really great, still there would be too much work involved in this.

Re: Phalanger/VS2012 compiler integration?

PostPosted: October 10th, 2013, 8:13 am
by Ali22
Phalanger is a great project/product. I'm looking into it to see if I can get the projects at work that are PHP and .Net/Mono to run in the same runtime and communicate with one other.

Re: Phalanger/VS2012 compiler integration?

PostPosted: October 10th, 2013, 11:06 am
by Jakub Misek
Ali22 wrote:Phalanger is a great project/product. I'm looking into it to see if I can get the projects at work that are PHP and .Net/Mono to run in the same runtime and communicate with one other.
thanks, please give us know if you would need anything.